CNC engraving milling machine installation environment requirements:
1. CNC engraving milling machine away dust, splash water corrosive gas environment.
2. Avoid direct sunlight, should be equipped with good lighting equipment.
3. The foundation is firm the surface is flat. The CNC engraving milling machine does produce vibration when it works normally.
4. The environment should be well ventilated, the temperature is 0-35 "C, the relative humidity is less than 75%.
5. There must be a reliable ground wire a three pole socket with ground to ground pole in the factory of engraving milling machine manufacturer. The grounding resistance is generally required to be less than 102. After installation, is to use CNC engraving machine, so as a newcomer, you do use CNC engraving machine correctly. Today, we have prepared the correct operation method of CNC engraving milling machine in China
1. Check the temperature quantity of coolant in the coolant tank of Yiming CNC engraving milling machine. Once the quantity is insufficient, it needs to be replenished in time. In addition, it must be ensured that the coolant does .
2. When installing the bayonet, people need to put the handle into the relevant card, the length is generally greater than 18 mm, otherwise it is easy to loosen. In addition, people need to check the cards carefully for dirt before installing the bayonet. If it is dirty, it needs to be cleaned to ensure reliable installation easy to cause problems.
3. General card materials need to be firmly fixed easy to vibrate. Otherwise, it is easy to cause accidents of different degrees. It is forbidden to carve mill at the place the materials are suspended.
4. In the process of machining, people use metal materials, so it is necessary to use cutting blood to ensure the reduction of tool wear.
5. In the process of engraving milling, it is forbidden to observe the cutting surface closely, the cutting debris may easily cause eyes cause unnecessary safety problems. When you see it, people turn off CNC engraving milling machines to make sure it doesn't work anymore.