CNC engraving  milling machine
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Full of advantages of engraving milling machine line rail is also inseparable maintenance

2020-06-15 H:40:23

Track is called linear guide rail, generally refers to rolling guide rail. The common structure has two kinds of ball guide  roller guide. The difference lies in that the ball guide rail is point contact type,  the roller guide rail is linear contact type. Its principle is comprehensive,  the cutting force of linear guide rail is relatively small when the guide rail is rolling  sliding.

Advantages of railway processing center:

1. The rail sliding contact surface is large, which makes Yiming engraving  milling machine rigid  stable.

2. The track machining center adopts sliding friction, which makes the contact surface large  has strong anti-seismic performance, which can provide better processing efficiency  high precision.

3. When the track machining center processes the workpiece, due to the sliding friction of the track, this friction mode will bring greater friction, so it needs a larger cutting force to make the vibration amplitude  noise of the machine tool.

4. Because of the large CNC engraving  milling machine contact surface is large, the friction resistance is also large, the wear is fast, the movement speed is limited,  the crawling phenomenon is easy to occur. Therefore, most engraving machine manufacturers use rail plastic technology to reduce rail wear  crawling defects.

5. The maintenance of track machining center is one of the main tasks of track processing  operation,  is the necessary condition to maintain the normal technical state of equipment  prolong the service life. The daily maintenance of railway processing center includes the maintenance of each shift  weekend maintenance.

Maintenance at all levels: the track processing center shall check whether there is any abnormality, check the oil tank, lubricating equipment  oil quantity,  check the good conditions of safety equipment  power supply according to the lubrication diagram,  confirm that they are correct. After the air train runs to the lubrication  normal parts, they can work. Weekend maintenance: 1-2 hours before the weekend to weekends  holidays to clean up the railway processing center, clean up the oil pollution,  the maintenance team organized by the machinery will check the score  announce the results.

The regular maintenance of railway processing center is planned by equipment management department. The hidden dangers found in the maintenance work are generally self adjusted through operation,  the main maintenance personnel  operation cooperation cannot be self adjusted. The registration of equipment  transfer of archives of management department shall be recorded according to regulations. After the regular maintenance of railway processing center, the maintenance organization of mechanical organization shall check  accept one by one.




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