CNC engraving  milling machine
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Engraving milling machine common faults troubleshooting, CNC engraving milling machine manufacturers tell you

2020-06-15 H:37:15

Question 1. When opening the software, the computer prompts that the card is invalid. Please check the card.

terms of settlement:

1. The PCI slot of the panel card driver is installed replaced;

2. Re install the two data links to check for needle breakage;

3. There is a problem with the panel card replace the card.

When opening the software, prompt: axis alarm, initialization error number 4.

terms of settlement:

(1) Check whether the two data lines of computer large high-speed engraving milling machine are connected;

(2) Check whether the fuse of the switch board in the control box is burnt out replaced;

3. Check the normal supply of 5v12v power supply.

Problem 3. Yiming CNC engraving machine has dislocation incorrect size when engraving.

terms of settlement:

(1) Check the correct path of the software of Yiming engraving milling machine;

2. Check the clearance dimension of screw whether the fastening screw of lamp pole is loose;

Problem 4, when the x-axis goes for a certain period of time, the z-axis does lift the knife, but presses up down.

terms of settlement:

(1) Check the normal operation of the z-axis motor, the power current of the driver;

Check whether the circuit of z-axis motor is in poor contact interrupted.

Question 5: the spindle motor does rotate reverse.

terms of settlement:

1. Check the setting of transducer h parameter;

2. Whether the signal line of transducer is reversed.




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